The exclamation point is more than punctuation!

I always write my name with an exclamation point. It’s who I am. I’m energetic and optimistic and excited to serve! I have served Round Rock ISD for many years and will continue as a parent and PTA Dad. I feel this is the next step in my work to support the students and teachers of RRISD. A Board has to make thoughtful decisions for the district. To achieve this, a Trustee needs to be mindful of several things.

Hi, I’m Chuy!


A good trustee has to put students and teachers first. If teachers are not afforded the tools they need, then students can’t succeed. A Board must be ready to make tough choices that lead to success. It is important that students are fully prepared for the world ahead of them. This will have a ripple effect that will affect our community in positive ways. It creates stronger leaders for a better world. Students and teachers are the lifeblood of our future.


A good trustee believes in equity. Every student should be given the same chance at a proper education. The way that public education is funded makes that very difficult. When a kid has to work to support their family, school becomes an afterthought. If they stop attending school, their school is underfunded. It is a trustee’s duty to think of innovative ways to ensure that marginalized students are given the same advantages as others. A trustee has to be ready to make choices that build up Black, brown, LGBTQIA2S+ and SPED students. This will create equity which leads to a better learning environment with equal opportunity for students of every background.


A good trustee is a collaborator. You are often working with people that have differing philosophies. Calm discourse can lead to great things. A trustee has to be humble since they serve as a mouthpiece for the great ideas that come from the community. As a collaborator, a trustee has a responsibility to be resolute and pliable at the same time. This is a difficult juggling act that requires a collaborative mind. A board must be ready to present common sense solutions together. This will calm the stormy sea of disagreement that can cause a board to capsize.